Express Entry Draw Results

Express Entry Draw Results

CRS score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of June 28, 2023
CRS score range Number of candidates
601-1200 1,254
501-600 1,258
451-500 55,991
491-500 1,040
481-490 4,856
471-480 20,980
461-470 16,226
451-460 12,889
401-450 57,269
441-450 11,893
431-440 12,404
421-430 10,077
411-420 10,978
401-410 11,917
351-400 64,936
301-350 33,866
0-300 5,429
Total 220,003

The numbers in this table reflect the total number of people in the pool overall, a few days before an invitation round. The score distribution may change as people submit new profiles and other profiles expire.